Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Love for Reality TV

I. Love. Reality TV.

I would say that it is my guilty pleasure, except I don't feel guilty about it at all. I don't know when the genre made its appearance, but I am so glad it did. For some reason I can really get into an unscripted TV show. And yes, I believe that all reality TV is completely unscripted. I didn't say unedited...I am fully aware that editors use footage to create a story that will appeal to the masses, but I'm okay with that.

I find it so intriguing that normal, everyday people just like me are suddenly thrust into the spotlight and all the commentary that comes with it. I'm excited for each and every one of them, that their lives have just become a little bit un-ordinary, even if it is for only the proverbial 15 minutes. Most of them had the gumption to come up with some sort of application, so they've done their homework for the most part. I don't necessarily like them all. Even I can recognize the jerks and narcissists. But I do know they make for great TV, and give me a reason to root for the nice guys.

I don't watch every single reality show out there. Let's not be silly; there are way too many. But I do have to give a shout out to my favorites, Survivor and Amazing Race, which are both starting up soon. And then there is my summer companion, Big Brother. Big Brother is the one I resisted for a long time, but I've stopped pretending that I don't like it. I really like American Idol, but my schedule has changed in such a way that I can't be as avid a watcher of that one. I really got into the last season of Dancing With The Stars, but only because of my love for Melissa from The Bachelor. Yes, I love The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I even like some of the shows on CW, like America's Next Top Model. I was a big fan of Farmer Wants A Wife, but that only aired for one season. And will they ever bring back Beauty and the Geek? That was a quality program.

Currently we do not have cable or satellite, so I know I'm missing out on some cable greats, like 18 Kids and Counting, What Not To Wear and Design Star. But we all need something to dream for don't we?

Oh, and I don't ever see myself actually going on a reality show, but that is a topic for another day.

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