Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Dream of Gardening

Fall is here. I am so glad that Fall came when it was supposed to, ignoring Summer's long, sleepy arrival. The sun is warm, the evenings are cool, the air carries a hint of dead leaves, and trees are displaying their two-toned glory.

However, even with the thought of Fall, I dream of gardening. I blame my dear friends Sam and Tawnya, who, much to my joy, have been blogging consistently about their harvesting endeavors. Sam and Tawnya live in Wisconsin and have been chronicling their gardening for the past two years. My favorite day of the summer is the day they post their Garden Tour video on their website. That garden is impressive. Rows of tomatoes (not just one kind, mind you), lettuce, potatoes, cucumbers, various squashes, corn, peas, onions...forgive me for not remembering them all.

I don't like dirt and I hate bugs, but gardening makes so much sense. One average sized garden can produce enough food for several families. When did Americans give up on that idea? I almost feel like people can't complain about the status of the American economy if they're not willing to grow food for themselves. It's a laziness thing.

I am determined to have a garden someday. I want to grow my own lettuce and tomatoes for BLTs, my own strawberries for strawberry shortcake, my own zucchini and onions and cucumbers. I'm sure my garden will look paltry compared to Sam and Tawnya's, but at least I'll be doing my part.

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